Do Soul Mates Really Exist?

I would love to get some other opinions on the topic of soul mates...

  • Do you think they exist?
  • Do we just have one or can we have several?
  • Are you with yours? If so is it happily ever after?
  • Did you loose yours like me?
  • What is your story?

Maybe this can provide insight to people out there who feel lost in a sea of love or regret. I've always heard the term "soul mate", but never any real stories about the topic. Please respond in the comments section. Thanks!!!


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Anonymous said…
I do think soul mates exist and I think we only have one. I found mine and am now happy without a doubt! We separated temporarily only to discover we were perfect. Good Luck!
Anonymous said…
I actually met one of my soul mates very recently. We just hit it off so well, it was a mind-blowing experience. Unfortunately there are some complications, and it may not work out in the long run. Or it might.

I believe there are several soul mates, but not many. Maybe a few hundred or a thousand or so...who knows? But soul mates do exist, and it's a magical thing.
I hope your relationship works out, because once someone touches every part of your inner being, relationships with others can't even compare. Too bad we often don't realize the importance of what we have until it is lost.
Anonymous said…
There is no such thing as a "soul mate" -- rather, there is a large pool of individuals with whom one will be highly compatible and a larger pool of individuls with whom one will be incompatible. Both nature and nurture play a role. "Soulmate" is in the same class as "Prince Charming" -- a victorian era myth.
Anonymous said…
It would be helpful to define what a soulmate actually is. My dictionary says, "One of two persons compatible with each other in dispostition, point of view or sensitivity". In my opinion, that's too broad and I think the culture's general definition of a soulmate is "The One" person on this earth who is the perfect mate for you.

There are so many millions of people on this planet that it seems naive to think that there's one out there who is your perfect match. Sure we're all unique, but if one was able to categorize one's ideal person, there would surely be many hundreds if not thousands of potential mates who would fit the profile.

If we consider the possibility of several potential soulmates being out there, then I think that moves the definition of the soulmate closer to the dictionary definition stated above.

To summarize, I believe that for every person there are thousands of potential mates with whom they could fall in love. I don't believe there is just one true love out there for me or anyone else, but it may seem that way because most of us know maybe a few hundred people at most so we're not getting a large enough sample of the population to really meet other potential 'soulmates'.

My story? I'm 34 years old and I've been in love with maybe 5 or 6 very different women. Perhaps I just haven't found my "true love" and if/when I do, I'll change my tune completely, but my experience has been that people learn things about themselves when they're in love and that begets change which begets falling out of love. Overly simplistic for the sake of the blog, but that's my general point.

Now who wants cake?

And if anyone wants to go out on a date, I'm available! But I'm probably coming off as very cynical. Oh well. That's my two cents. okbye!
Ok, good point on a definition... Here are a few I found:

Richard Bach describes soul mates as "A soulmate is someone who has the locks to fit our keys, and the keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and honestly who we; we can be loved for who we are and for who we're pretending to be. Each of us unveils the best part of one another. No matter what else goes wrong around us, with that one person were safe in our paradise. Our soulmate is someone who shares our deepest longings, our sense of direction. When we're two balloons, and together our direction is up, chances are we've found the right person. Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life. "

Thomas Moore describes a soul mate as "someone to whom we feel profoundly connected, as though the communication and communing that take place between us were not the product of intentional efforts, but rather a divine grace. This kind of relationship is so important to the soul that many have said there is nothing more precious in life."

A dictionary definition is: One of two persons compatible with each other in disposition, point of view, or sensitivity. Someone for whom you have a deep affinity . A person temperamentally suited to another.

For more from this article go to:

This poem (long, so I gave a link) describes my experience with the person I believe to be my soul mate (minus past incarnation):
Anonymous said…
I don't know if we have one soulmate or several; I don't even know if there IS such a thing as a soulmate. I've loved 2 women in my life and in both cases I've lost them both. Not because of anything I've done (or haven't) but simply through poor timing. One I met one directly because of 9/11 (wouldn't THAT have made a great story) and after a few months with her I realized what it was to love. To care so much for one person that it felt like I was going to explode all the time was so new and (I hate the way this might come out) such a burden that I had to tell her. She dumped me. In an e-mail. A few months later she e-mailed me to tell me she was getting married (to the same kind of guy she told me she despised) and I asked her not to call me anymore it hurt too much to talk to her. I met the second during this time and eventually we got married. It wasn't a "rebound" or anything of that nature, I loved her from the very bottom of my soul. Again poor timing. She was younger than I and after a few months of marriage decided that she needed to see more of life than she'd experienced. I let her go and the divorce precedings are currently underway. I just keep coming back to a line from a show I watch where a character has taken a psych test and is told "You believe in true love and it causes a hole in you that you haven't found it." I still love them both very much but I also know I'll never see them again.
royyap said…
Yes, there should be 1 soulmate. I am happily with her although we're just dating. We've had out worst petty fights. Sometimes I guess the fights are more painful due to a sense of betrayal as we're physically in love also. The again it is to ponder about chance & fate with regards to meeting The One, your soulmate etc. I believe it is both.. or more like 50%-50%. I would say in terms of fate, sooner or later you will probably meet your soulmate in a very serendipidy way (or a serendipidous if there is such a word). And a possibility that you may have met them before in a previous lifetime for those of you into Karma and reincarnation. From a chance point of view, I guess sometimes you have to take the plunge and chance / gut feeling when you are really attracted to someone you should give it a chance to develop and mature.
roya parsay said…
Soul Searching said…
I definitely have more than one soul mate, and each plays a different role in my life. The connection is sometimes just too obvious to ignore.

I also have thought someone was my soul mate, but later realized that was not the case.

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