Relationship Questionnaire

To take this questionnaire click on the heading. I found it somewhat insightful. Obviously, I know I still have a lot to work on...I'm not hopeless though. If you take the test please post your results in the comments section and whether you thought they were accurate or not.

Your score was 72
The current average is 106.74 and is based on the scores of 2755 people.
The higher your score, the more capable you are, at this time, of attracting what you truly want in relationships (or experiencing those qualities in your current relationship).
If you scored 63-93, the probability of you attracting (or experiencing being in) your ideal relationship and being happy in it is moderately low. You definitely need to work on yourself, as many of your attitudes and beliefs need to be changed, in order for you to have the loving relationship you want.
At this time, a lot of your negative subconscious programming may be getting in your way, and it would be wise to work on "re-wiring" that programming, in order to have a more satisfying experience of loving relationships.


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