Does It Really Matter?

As I was stuck in traffic on the way home today for 45 minutes longer than normal I asked myself..."does it really matter?" Sometimes we focus so much on the tiniest things in life, while loosing sight of the important aspects. I mean how much does it matter if I am a few minutes late arriving home? I can use the additional time commuting to reflect and have self revelations. Why do I find it so difficult to live in the present and take each moment and day for what it really is? I usually spend so much time focusing on the past and future am not even aware of the present, yet I look back and regret the lost time. Why is it so difficult to live in each second, minute, hour, day, etc. instead of continually hoping and wishing to the time to go by faster? Why can't I look forward to each minute of each day instead of looking forward to only a time in the present?


Anonymous said…
For me, it's hard because my present isn't where I want to be. I'm in the middle of a divorce and my wife is saying all kinds of nasty things about me, most of which are flat out lies, and turning her daughter, my step-daughter, against me. And, she's doing it out of spite. There's no reason at all for her to do this, except that she thinks I wronged her in some way, in spite of the fact that she left me for another guy, who's also married. So, she's using her daughter to get at me, because it's the last way she has to lash out at me. Who wants to be present for that?
Yeah, past and future are much easier places to live than my present.
Anonymous said…
Reading through your entire blog I just would like to make one comment: Watch out for what you seek, god gives us the power to do amazing things and in a second he can take that away! Marriage is sacred and you may find that what you are seeking is a desert instead of the mirage you see!
Vespucci said…
Mmm, you would really enjoy this book titled "Sophie's World" by Jostein Gaarder. It's a novel about the history of philosophy, and it is an excellent one. It's given me some insight into the world that I did not have before.
Anonymous said…
It is difficult. What you seek is called enlightment. The sufis, TAO, others, describe it in a similar fashion.
I've read and heard that meditation can bring it about.

For a moment, you had it. It is not a permanent human condition?

I do not achieve it often or for very long.

I do believe that we think our future...

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