Unbearable Symptoms

Lately my allergy symptoms have become unbearable. Although I take allergy medication 24 hours a day for 365 days out of the year I can no longer manage my allergies. My eyes are constantly running and on fire, my nose won't stop running, and I can't even breathe out of my nose. In addition, I feel incredibly drowsy. I've tried every prescription and over the counter allergy medication to no avail. I just don't know what to do anymore. I feel as if the physical suffering never ends. It seems that brushing and bathing my puppies exacerbates my symptoms. I've asked G on numerous occasions to help with these tasks, yet he refuses. I would be heartbroken if I had to give up my precious puppies due to allergies. He told me yesterday he won't ever give them up, yet expects me to still groom them daily and suffer with my severe symptoms. He can be such an inconsiderate ass! He usually asks me how I am feeling every day and then asks what he can do to make me feel better, yet wont' do anything I ask him. Another example entails something as simple as changing our air filters, yet he waits until they are so dirty air can't even pass through. I would change them myself, but can't reach and the dust makes me sick for a day. I feel like he almost does it to rub in the fact that I feel terrible. I am so fed up with feeling terrible!

In addition, I finally accepted the fact that my blood pressure is unusually LOW! I always wondered why the doctors checked my BP 2-3 times, yet they never seemed concerned. Well the nurse who took my vitals for life insurance check up seemed alarmed that on two tries my BP was still only 86/58. Anything under 120/90 is considered low! Thus I performed some research and discovered it can either be a sign of good health or a major health concern that can lead to organ failure. I wonder if it has something to do with the reason I am always cold and always get migraines & headaches. Sometimes I feel like I just can't get enough air, even though my lungs feel fine.

I feel as if I am being so ungrateful because I am alive, yet my body is failing me at the age of 24. I probably can't have children due to numerous reproductive problems, have chronic asthma, deal with extremely painful cramps for 2 weeks of each month, have Raynaud's syndrome, in addition to allergies. I wonder why I have to suffer with all these ailments when people such as G are completely healthy? I pray that I will be healed or at least have the strength to continue through the journey of life.


brian luenemann said…
Sorry to hear about your allergies and your other ailments. You're probably not in the mood to hear this, but Pisces are are known for having lots of physical problems like allergies and sinus issues, among other things. My J always has something going wrong physically. I'd also bet that your emotional distress is manifesting in your physical body. I've had a few health practitioners tell me that my back problems got so bad because of repressed negative emotion.
I hope you feel better soon.
Thanks! I'm sure you are correct in regard to my emotions manifesting in my physical body. I've always been a person with numerous ailments. I was near death several times as a child. I do admit, your astrology beliefs are quite interesting and alluring. I found many aspects to be correct in regard to G, J, and I's personality, yet found just as many discrepancies. I think it is easy to believe in something that provides all the answers, yet I can't place my faith in something that is not accurate 100% of the time. I've encountered numerous situations that completely freaked me out, which others would only think could be conceived in the confines of a horror film. From those experiences I've learned I can not always trust what seems to be real. I'm not sure if you've ever looked into demonology, but they can often manifest as a lost loved one to fool us and gain entry into our lives, yet they know certain things only known by the loved one. My comments are not meant to be offensive in any manner. I appreciate your perspective and find it interesting. I think I will have to further research the roots of true astrology. It seems it has been glamorized over the years.
brian luenemann said…
Well now I'm completely intrigued about the two statements regarding your experiences and demonology. Are you saying you had an experience with a demon? I'd love to hear about it if you'd want to share it. I could give you my email address if it's not something you want out in the open. If not- I completely understand. I always went to the paranormal/ufo section of the library as a kid (still do I guess) and read chapters on demonology, but don't remember much, or anything really. I'm open to the possibilities of the existence or experience of just about anything. I learned early on to never discount someone's experience- regardless of how foreign it sounded to me.
The astrology sites you checked out are going to give you a somewhat vague portait of a person because all the people born under that sign (essentially a month's worth) are going to have some of, but not all of the qualities described. The 12 page birth chart that is specific for my date, time, and place of birth is about 95% accurate according to myself and two other people who've read it. Take it or leave it. I don't want to seem like I'm forcing a belief on you. I was sharing a tool that helped me understand my and J's relationship better. It helped sort out the "is it me, or is it her" questions. It certainly has been glamourized, and bastardized- but from what I've seen there's got to be something to it.
I guess I found the astrology to be fairly accurate for me and G, yet when I read G's as if it were mine it seemed right on too. I think the descriptions are so broad they could apply to virtually anyone.

I usually don't talk about my experiences with the "paranormal" unless soemone specifically talks to me about it first. If you want you can post your email and I will delete it after I save it on my email account. I could tell you more that way. I will say that you can obtain some great information on books written by Ed and Lorraine Warren. Ed is a world renouned demonologist and Lorraine is a medium. They write from personal experiences and worked on numerous high profile cases such as what you would know as the Amityville Horror.
brian luenemann said…
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