Breaking Point

Today I think I've finally reached the breaking point with G. I am so infuriated I feel like leaving and staying in a hotel for a week or more without telling G anything. It isn't that G won't clean up his messes or that he expects me to be his live-in my tolerance ran out! He usually drives my car on weekends and returns it with an empty gas tank... a big deal when I have to use my personal vehicle for my job since I see clients in their homes. Today I have 6 appointments and NEED my car. Well yesterday at church our tire was completely flat. We drove home and I asked G to fix the tire or put the spare on. He aired it up so we could go to the store. I asked him to borrow our neighbor's air compressor so he could air it up before he went to work this morning, but he refused and said he didn't need to because it would be fine. Well, he wakes me up at 6:30 am to tell me the tire is completely flat and I will have to figure something out. Yeah...what the hell am I supposed to do when he takes his truck and leaves me with a completely flat tire that I can not change. I tried to contact my neighbors and none were available, so I just drove 5 miles to the gas station like G told me to do. Well, the air was out of order, so I had to drive to an auto shop to get air. The worker told me my tire would not last more than 30 minutes because of the excessive air loss from driving on it, and mentioned I would have to go somewhere else to get it patched. Given I have to be to work in 10 minutes now, I take the car to a shop that can fix the tire. Thirty minutes later the guy tells me my tire is shot and I must get it replaced somewhere else. I called G and asked him to call around to see where I could get a new tire and he gets all pissed off! What the hell am I supposed to do without my computer or a phone book? I call him back 20 minutes later after canceling two appointments and he said "oh, yeah I just called them, I want you to replace all the tires and mentions I have to go to a certain place" and then hangs up. He wants to replace 4 tires when we already have a service plan for the other three perfectly good tires? I don't get it. So, I go home after the shop puts my "donut" on and call around to find a location that can replace ALL tires with road hazard that also has a location in our home state (which equates to only 2 tire places in the entire state!). I call G and tell him the quotes and the difference to replace just the one tire with the exact same model. His quote was 50% more than the other places I called. He gets all pissed again and said he can't talk to me anymore and hangs up. I can't believe he can be such an inconsiderate jack ass! He has been bitching to me for the last 2 weeks that he does absolutely nothing at work, but he can't even take 5 minutes to fix the tire for me when I have to see my clients today. He expects me to do ALL the house cleaning, errands, pay all the bills, go grocery shopping, and anything else and he can't even to the so called "man" things I don't know how to do. Uggh...I am so angry! So tonight instead of going to my aerobics class only offered 2x a week I will have to take the car in to get new tires while G sits on his ass playing internet poker! I could just scream! Oh did I mention my gas tank was also empty this morning.


Anonymous said…
I hope he's a light sleeper, because if it were me, when I was married, I'd expect to wake up with a knife in my head for that. Yowza.
I don't blame you for wanting out if this is what you have to live with all the time. What keeps you there with him?
Thank you! I thought I was just being over reactive.

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