Looking back to the past
I love looking back at my past blogs to see what I was doing/thinking/going through at the time. One year ago in September:
- I took my first yoga class...I now go twice per week and love the relaxing feeling. It is actually one of the few forms of exercise I can do without hindering my fertility.
- I apologized to my friend for being a bad friend.
- I started going to acupuncture.
- I went on a 3 week visit to see my family.
- I was upset with G for being self-centered (He still hasn't finished the project!!!)
Two years ago in September:
- I was extremely pissed at G, to the point of seriously contemplating divorce.
- I set the following goals:
- *Obtain a usable Master's degree that will allow for a significant increase in my salary in the future and opportunity for advancement with possible use of a Doctorate. (I started school in February 2007 and only have a few credits left for my teaching cert. and only 15 left to get my Master's. I really don't want to teach, but want to have "options".)
- * Find a job with great benefits and summers off (school district- I would love to hear any other options, because I just can't think of any)
- * Ability to support myself and kids if need be.
- * Live near my family (I don't see this happening any time soon. The economy is terrible, so we wouldn't want to take a loss on our house. I rarely talk to my family anymore. I think they have written me off since I'm not planning on visiting until next summer.)
- I was having dreams about J
- I found out my friend had cancer. He died about a year ago.
- I was depressed.
Three years ago in September:
- I was taking anti-depressants (for migraines). (Not anymore!!!)
- I was trying to get over J
- My grandma had a heart attack (she is still alive)
- I was loving my new puppy!!!
- Hurricane Katrina
- I found out the severity of my endometriosis for the first time and that I probably wouldn't have children. The doctor suggested Lupron, which I ended up taking 2 years later in desperation, plus surgery, which he said wouldn't work.