F***ED UP!

J~ I saw your website today. I have to say I am utterly appalled! I could literally hurl! Do you have any self respect, or respect for women at all? I can't believe I've spent so much wasted time and effort pining over you. Please, please get on with your life and never attempt to contact me again. I think I am officially over you. Obviously you've really changed over the last few years and I do not know who you are anymore. Yuck!!! I feel like such a dumb ass right now! I just can't believe it. I feel scared for life now. My perception of you has done a 180 in 1 second. Wow. I am just shocked. Good luck in your majorly F***ed up life! I guess mine isn't as bad as I thought. Really, thank you so much for making getting over you easy.


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