Please Help me Find a Friend!

For almost 8 months now I have been searching for a sweet little companion to keep me company during my long days at home. If anyone knows a great breeder of Yorkshire Terriers or Maltese in the SW US, with reasonable prices, please let me know. I am also open to adopting a pet from a shelter, but want a younger dog without major health problems. I certainly haven't experienced any luck in my search. Thanks in advance!

So why a Yorkie or Maltese you may ask? Well, I really want a cat, I love cats, especially fluffy orange or white with blue eyes. The problem arises because my husband despises cats and won't allow one in our new house. He cringes at the thought of an animal on a counter, table, or our furniture; he thinks a cat will wreck havoc on our home. He wants a big, obnoxious Doberman, and I told him hell no. So, for 3 years we were at a standstill regarding the pet situation, when I though of a great idea... I would agree to a dog only if it was small, fluffy, cuddly, and as close to resembling a cat as possible. Since the sweet thing will reside in our home it must be small and shed minimally. We also travel frequently, so we need to be able to bring the dog with us, I couldn't bear leaving it in the hands of a stranger. I also researched the best dogs for allergy suffers, such as myself, and the two breeds seem to fit the bill.


Soul Searching said…
I don't know anything about dogs, but those little puppies sure are cute!

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