Breaking the Bond...

Wow, I haven't posted for a while. I guess I have been so successfully avoiding all thoughts of my ex I forgot to even post for the last few days. Did I also mention I have been keeping myself extremely busy. Yesterday I planted over 25 plants, dug/pulled every weed in my large weed infested backyard, and installed a drip system to every plant....whew, yes I feel like a train wreck today (I am human). Last week I also worked on finishing my office, I finally found semi perfect fabric, so I sewed drapes, and blinds for my loft and office, and a chair cover. I haven't even felt tempted to converse with him since the last time I said hi. He hasn't been on my mind every waking minute, more like 2 seconds a day or less. I also haven't dreamed of him for several days. For some reason, I feel compelled to think of my ex when I write posts in my blog. I guess the primary reason I started my blog was to vent about my relational frustrations revolving around him though. I may change the focus of my blog so I don't think of him. I was thinking of starting a new blog about interior design, but it might confuse the situation. I would like it to not be anonymous, but I can't let people I know find out about this blog, scary thought.

I think we can love anyone, because love is a choice; some people are much easier to love though.


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