The Package...

The next few weeks I didn't know what to think as my mind reeled with restless thoughts... How could we have met? How could it work when I lived a world away? Was it just all in good fun, or were you truly sincere? In a way I didn't care, because I excitedly told all my friends wonderful stories of you. All I knew, was I could at least cherish the sweet moment in time when you were mine. Somehow you must have known the very words I needed to hear, because my restlessness dissipated upon the arrival of a small package from you. My family was all questions... Who is this guy? Why did he send you a package for Christmas? What is inside? I tried to act nonchalant as the excitement slowly brewed and overflowed from inside. I think I waited an entire day before I mustered to courage to look inside. I secretly stowed the package away to my cousin's house, where I felt safe from prying eyes. Together we excitedly looked inside, but her with a jealous eye. On top was a sweetly typed letter, in which you exclaimed you knew our meeting was not in vain. You said you couldn't believe what you were saying, but knew we both felt and extraordinary connection, and I know this sounds crazy, but this has to be love my sweet, precious dove. I couldn't believe the words written on the page, because it was as if you wrote them only after reading my mind.
In the package I also found a CD with the silliest song I ever heard, which I listened to for the first time on our last passionate night. I couldn't believe you remembered, because I only briefly mentioned how I couldn't believe the fondness I developed for such a stupid song. I also found within a plain little box, a beautifully ornate and dainty ring. Oh my gosh...What did this mean? You didn't mention your intent, but I knew from that moment it was set. Oh, and how did you know the perfect size, for at that time I didn't even know and certainly hadn't mentioned it to a soul. You said your instinct was to measure your pinky, which turned out to be a perfect size for my ring finger...What a clever guy.
In your letter you also disclosed some of the odd coincidences that began to unfold. For my family lived in your dainty little town of only 3k, while you had relatives hundreds of miles away in my town of 50k. It also turned out you already played in my grandma's back yard, which was one of your favorite places to visit. To my surprise you already made plans before we met to visit my town in the spring.