The Notebook

Has anyone seen this movie? I loved it, but I sure cried. The relationships and situations depicted in the movie closely resemble mine, so I can completely relate. I feel so fortunate to have at least had the opportunity to experience such romance and love. We shared such an awesome love, and I know it eats away at my ex more and more everyday. I know he pushes me away because he is afraid to feel such strong feelings for someone he can't have, so he keeps his feelings locked tightly inside. Occasionally he breaks down and tells me he can't keep living life without me. Like the film, I am the one who has to choose, but I am too afraid. I feel like I've already made my choice, because I married the "other" guy...the one I love, but not with every ounce of my being, not with my soul. It seems odd people can develop such unbreakable bonds with people who my be their soul mate. I believe a soul mate is a person perfectly made for you in every way, shape, and form; Someone whom leaves and unforgettable impression in your soul, and someone whom gives life a new meaning and dimension. Somewhere inside my ex will always hold a piece of my heart and soul and I will always secretly wish I had chosen him. I fear our separation may eventually drive him to insanity as in the film. Maybe someday I will have the strength to leave, so I can make my dreams a reality.
Hang in sucks that you're going through this, but I do believe it will prepare you for future happy relationships!