It had to be fate...

Well, before I've spoke of how I know my past love and we remain as separated soul mates, so let me explain why...
I've already described some of the ironic coincidences in my previous posts, but here are a few more. I may add more as I continue to recall the hundreds of ironic events.
- He embodied every aspect of my "ideal guy"... Months before we ever met I decided to write about my "ideal" guy. My mom said I should so I wouldn't ever settle for less and my view wouldn't be biased since I wasn't in a relationship. Well I met him and he blew me away. He was every single thing I had written of months before...looks, personality, talents, interests, property, dreams, aspirations, attitude, etc. I mean EVERYTHING! I was utterly shocked. I never imagined my dream guy could actually exist; especially that I would mysteriously find him and he would fall head over heels for me.
- In my entire life I've never experienced such a magical kiss, for I couldn't even sleep! Oh, and why was I provoked to make the first move...not even slightly in my shy nature?
- When ever we would meet, stars would collide... for when I met him I had only seen one in my life... While we were together even though miles apart I would see huge beautiful falling stars when ever I would think of him, but especially as we would share our love under the open sky. After we separated I hadn't even seen one (even though I looked with all my might), until 8 months later he came back into my life for one brief day... As we hugged under the open sky I saw a mantra of stars fall from the sky, not one but 10! I checked the news to see how it could be and to my surprise not a single meteor shower was scheduled to arrive.
- He could always read my mind... Even though we were hundreds of miles apart, he would deviate from his scheduled calls the very moment I thought... Gosh I wish he'd call, to simply ask what did I need.
- Is it ironic or what that we both had family living in one another's' small towns?
- After years of separation I can still feel when he comes near... I know exactly when he moves closer to me (we've never even lived in the same state), even if we haven't spoken for months. My favorite example is when I hadn't thought of him for many weeks and we hadn't even spoken for numerous months, when out of the blue, I for some reason couldn't get him off my mind. I dreamed of him every night for over a week. The feeling became so strong I almost couldn't breath when I was at a large movie store in my college town. For some reason I knew he was there and felt a strong urge to search for him, but my husband was there and oh how silly of me to think such a thing. I had to kick myself as I drove away that fateful day, because I saw his truck in the parking lot! If it had only been me I would have turned around, because I hadn't seen him in years and truly missed his sweet face. It was months later I emailed him to confirm he had been in my small town, even in the same place the same time and day as I. What a shame we didn't get a chance to say hi.
- On numerous occasions either of us would feel extreme joy or sadness, while wondering why... Only to confirm through a conversation the other had a wonderful or terrible day. It seems awful odd for some strange reason we could share in each others' joy or sadness without seeing or knowing exactly why.
- Why is it that after 5 years of being apart we still share in the same love... not one but two hearts still passionately long to be together? Not one thing has changed aside from our relational conditions. Is it really fair to live apart with others when we still long to become one? I could understand just one of us still longing for love, but both of us, when we have supposedly moved on? My love, it's just not fair! Everything I've already explained above still occurs, why? Why can't we be together? Will we forever wonder why and regret the past mistakes we've made? For I am forever haunted in my dreams by the life I know we could have. You also share the same dreams...Irony or fate?
- Can you explain how the day my husband was to propose he had an awful dream of the truth which would soon be exposed? He called out of the blue to say I had a terrible dream I thought you should know. You were with your current date who is hiding a terrible truth and placing blinders over your eyes. I knew the truth and came to save you from your terrible fate. Please, please don't make the awful mistake! Gosh, how did you know, for I had no clue? Due to that day and the words you said I canceled my plans. My husband decided to wait another week to propose, but of course I couldn't say no...Oh why couldn't I have said no?
It seems so odd to me, I haven't felt this way about another soul, nor have I ever been so sure about one thing in my life. He is the one, my one true soul mate. Since him I haven't experienced anything even similar to what we had. So was it all fate or just a silly ironic fluke?