I may finally have a break from my hectic schedule at work. I didn't get assigned any evaluations this week, although my schedule is still full for next week. I've been working so much I don't have time to make it to the gym. I really need to get there, as I've gained 4lbs in the last 10 days. I am freaking out about this, as I will be on my way to 200lbs if this keeps up. I know the main reason relates to the medications I've been put on and my hormone imbalances. I hope things start to level off soon, because I would hate to have to buy new, bigger, clothes. I'm also distressed, because no one seems to care. They think I look thin or normal. I don't want to look back a year from now and wonder how I gained 50 lbs? I ordered some different herbs yesterday that are supposedly supposed to help with water retention and metabolism. I will see if they have any impact.

I honestly think I get myself into trouble sometimes because I am bored with my life. I then seek out something unhealthy or somewhat exhilarating just so I can feel some type of emotion. Instead of doing something destructive this time, I am going to talk to G about possibly moving to a different state. One that would be a compromise between extreme heat and cold, with low humidity. After visiting San Diego several times, I really love it there. I do think it is too cold, but at least they don't have to deal with snow. My ideal situation would be for G to find a job there making enough so we could live on/near the beach. However, I don't know how easily I can give up my personal space and privacy in lieu of a tiny place and sharing walls again.


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