"Take a Chance on Me..."

After a lot of prayer, thought, and conviction, G and I both came to the same conclusion regarding the possible adoption of the 8 year old girl. We have decided to move forward. I realize we may not even be chosen or go all the way, but we can't remain stagnant any longer. In this situation I had to ask myself, despite all I've been told, "what would Jesus do?" Unequivocally, he would give this child a chance and not let her remain in and age out of foster care; he would love her. I realize my life may become what some would construe as a "living hell", however, I am not living for this life, nor my own comfort here. I refuse to stand back and cower in fear of the "what ifs" that could eat one alive. I'm sorry if some may call me stupid or naive, but I can live with that. I know the statistics and risks, but again, I choose to live in faith, that this child was placed in our path for a reason. Regardless of the outcome, we have already grown emotionally and spiritually from this experience. As they played the song "Take a Chance on Me" by Abba, in church yesterday, all I could think of was these kids in the foster care system saying to families, "take a chance on me". Who is brave enough to stand up to the challenge? I would say only a select few. Others choose to live in their personal bubble of safety, predictability and cower away.
Yesterday morning my brother called to say they had a healthy baby girl. I was so happy for him and it seems he has the perfect little family. Two healthy kids, spaced a few years apart, one boy, one girl. I believe that is what God foresaw they could handle and were equipped to handle. I received a vision yesterday of God saying to me, "you've already been though enough physical pain, I want to spare you the pain of childbirth for now. Take this as my gift to you". I never looked at the situation from that angle before. It isn't one I would necessarily choose, as I would gladly go through any pain to have a child and experience giving birth. However, I accept what I have been given. I feel that it is a much greater honor to be given the opportunity to work with a special needs child, who requires much more faith, patience, and endurance. (with tears) It isn't the path I ever envisioned for my life, but again, I will accept it and move on.