Today I read over my first two months of blogging and continually feel amazed by the craziness of my life. I could seriously write a novel or make a mini-series that would seem like fiction. I felt much better today than yesterday. I guess I just needed to sleep on a few things and pray I don't have any dreams about J. G really is a good guy. He used to be a monster, but he has changed for the most part. I still catch myself feeling suspicious once in a while; and if he is doing something behind my back, he is doing a really good job...kudos to him.
I have two weeks left in my last semester of classes (for a year or two), and I am so ready to be finished. Tomorrow I have a meeting for work that will supposedly change the future of my job...whatever that means. They make it sound like we are getting fired, but I doubt it is the case. I'm assuming I will have to put up with a lot more crap and will probably have more job duties for the same pay...yay!!! I'm doing so great, but....screw you! On Thursday I also have my annual review. I didn't complete my Standards of Practice apprenticeship that lasts 6 months, although I have been working in the position for over 3 years...if that makes any sense. I hope I still get my 5% raise. I didn't think I would get a bonus this year, but was surprise to see it on my check last week. I'm very intrigued about what G's will be this year, if he even gets one. This was supposed to be the year he received a substantial bonus as a result of his promotion. Too bad the economy keeps falling down, down, down. I'm trying to look at it as an opportunity to secure investments at a low price for the future, but it seems challenging not to get caught up in the "gloom and doom" at times. I try to avoid the news like the plague.
We really want to adopt a child in the next year, but it would also be an awesome time to purchase another property. What do we do??? Why couldn't I just get pregnant...that would be too easy. Although, I feel like I continue to make progress with my health; and my BBT chart seems to look a little better each month. However, I found out that G could be sterile from contracting chicken pox in adulthood. Wouldn't that be a massive joke? I go through hell and back and we never could have kids to begin with. I have to laugh just thinking about it! Yes, he's been tested, with dismal results, but hasn't gone back since the "pox". Reading over my blog today made me realize that anything can happen to me, especially if it is crazy and the last possible outcome. Honestly...all the stuff that has happened to me can't be by chance or fate....I don't believe it! Thus, I must believe I do have a chance of becoming pregnant, despite all my issues, even if G is sterile. Wouldn't that be a miracle!
As anyone who's been reading for a while can tell, I really don't give a shit anymore (or at least tonight). Whatever happens, happens; I'm just along for the ride. If the next 4 years are anything like the last 4, I better hang on for the ride of my life. If I've learned anything it would be to "expect the unexpected and the least opportune time, and somehow it will all work out".
Speaking of working out, what is it about guys at the gym? I get why they call it a meat market now. They must like tan meat, because after my statistical analysis while trying to avoid the "guys" at the gym, I have been approached 60% more after returning from vacation (with my tan, as my neighbor says). Does it really make that much of a difference. I almost wanted to ask today. Maybe it is my refreshed, youthful glow? What the hell is wrong with fair skin anyway? (I'm really joking). Ok, I must retire for the evening...I have to commute to work twice this week...uggh.


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