
This is too weird!
It was Sunday 12/7 and I was thinking that I haven't heard from J in a long time. After checking my blog on 12/8 I realized it was about 1.5 years (I think?). I was wondering how he was doing, but didn't want to ask.
So today out of the blue I needed to check my junk email account to find a confirmation email. I haven't checked this account for over 2 months, because it is very old and I only use it for junk mail. As I was browsing through the over 300 emails and deleting I saw J's name. On 12/7 he wrote me a very brief email asking how I was (if I even used the old account anymore). I don't want to read too much into this, but THIS is exactly the reason why I have such a challenging time getting over J. It is like we can still read each other's minds (0r this is another crazy coincidence?) and think the same thing at the same time. Plus, why did I even need to check that account? I happened to check it only 5 days after he emailed me when I haven't checked it since the end of September. It just seems too strange.

Well, I basically said "hi" back and this is the response I got:

Well hey there.
Long time no talk and it is crazy how things still seem like we think of one another all the time and at the same time. It seems like you are doing good and your family is doing great. That is great that your sister is doing great and your brother has a baby boy wow how the time passes and how I wish I could see you all again just to say hi. I am still in the military and am going threw explosive ordinance disposal school. Look it up please and pray for me when I have to get deployed. I am almost done I have been here since June and have done good i am in fl going to this school then I think i am trying to go to Rota Spain. I still think of things a lot you, your family and how things are. Tell everyone hi for me! (J's sister) now has three kids. I wish i had some. My parents both good!! Take care and keep in touch i miss talking!


Anonymous said…
These kinds of coincidences happen all the time. It only seems significant because of the weight you place on J, your relationship with him and your unhappiness at your own current situation. Even when things are going well with G, you always seem to be unhappy about a change at work or school. That unrest leads you to think about how things would have been with J and then, when you brush against something from him, some tenuous contact, or faint connection or memory, it seems more important against the backdrop of your current situation, whatever that may be.

It's too bad that you have these unresolved feelings for J, because I think you'd be happier and more at ease with out them. It's a shame, I think, that you can't find a way to let go of that.
I think you are correct. I wish I could let go of the feelings and thoughts of "what if", because they do make my life miserable. If you find the answers please let me know, because I do not want the feelings, thoughts or dreams!

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