This is How it Works...
Today I went to Walgreen's and bought a bunch of stuff I plan to give to charity, since I don't use products with chemicals.
I purchased $54.76 worth of stuff (air fresheners, lotion, body wash, toothpaste, antacids, etc.)
- $5 coupon for spending $20 (available on Walgreen's website)
- $21.11 in manufactures coupons
Total: $28.65 w/ tax
I used my Walgreen's gift card from last month with $23.94, so only paid $4.15 out of pocket (on this amount I get 5% cash back on my credit card or $.21)
Since I purchased items that have a rebate I will get back either $38.26 as a check or $42.09 on a Walgreen's gift card (10% bonus). Most items were free after rebate, but I also used coupons.
So, my real total for my "charity" purchases was +$13.65. In essence, I get to help charity and I made money for doing it. This is what I do for fun sometimes. I get to oust my shopping cravings and I make a few bucks. It really doesn't take that long...maybe 5 minutes extra. I usually save a minimum of 70% at the grocery store. I may be that "annoying" coupon person, but it is fun and I don't care what other people think!
I purchased $54.76 worth of stuff (air fresheners, lotion, body wash, toothpaste, antacids, etc.)
- $5 coupon for spending $20 (available on Walgreen's website)
- $21.11 in manufactures coupons
Total: $28.65 w/ tax
I used my Walgreen's gift card from last month with $23.94, so only paid $4.15 out of pocket (on this amount I get 5% cash back on my credit card or $.21)
Since I purchased items that have a rebate I will get back either $38.26 as a check or $42.09 on a Walgreen's gift card (10% bonus). Most items were free after rebate, but I also used coupons.
So, my real total for my "charity" purchases was +$13.65. In essence, I get to help charity and I made money for doing it. This is what I do for fun sometimes. I get to oust my shopping cravings and I make a few bucks. It really doesn't take that long...maybe 5 minutes extra. I usually save a minimum of 70% at the grocery store. I may be that "annoying" coupon person, but it is fun and I don't care what other people think!
Well, maybe after I turn in my cable box today....