
Yesterday I had surgery on my maxillary and ethnoid sinuses, and the inside of my nose because I have sinus disease. I wasn't upset or anxious until G said he was leaving to get something to eat right when I was taken back to be prepared for surgery. I couldn't believe he could be so inconsiderate since he was supposed to be there to support me and couldn't even wait until I was in surgery (one hour) to get something to eat. I broke down and didn't even want him there if all he could do was think about food. Looking back, I still can't believe he did that!
I didn't feel nervous until I was actually laying on the operating table staring at the bright lights, but I was out after only a few minutes. I woke up in recovery coughing and choking on blood and couldn't breath. The nurses aspirated me and removed over 60 cc's of blood in about an hour from my throat and gave me a breathing treatment. I woke up with burning in my sinuses, my nose gushing blood, and a sinus headache, but the pain was bearable. After some time in the recovery room, I felt faint, clammy and anxious. Within seconds I had about 10 nurses and doctors around me because evidently my heart and blood pressure plummeted for about 5 minutes. I ended up spending 2.5 x's longer in the recovery room than I was supposed to. I guess I developed a completely new sinus within my right maxillary sinus cavity that had to be completely removed (it was supposedly causing 90% of my problems). The doctor's suggested I spend the night at the hospital for monitoring, but I opted to go home. My nose finally stopped bleeding at about 11pm, so I could finally take the painful mask off my face that put tremendous pressure on my tender nose. I didn't sleep well last night due to all the blood constantly running down my throat but made it only taking half the suggested dose of pain medication. Today I feel GREAT! I feel the same as I normally do when I wake up with bad allergies (everyday). I'm not in pain at all other than a little soreness in my throat and neck. I only took one pain pill this morning because I SHOULD be in severe pain. It is a true miracle from God that I am feeling so wonderful, not even 24 hours after surgery. I have no bruising or swelling at all! I've talked to several people who had the same surgery in addition to many other surgeries who said this surgery was by far the most painful thing they've ever felt in their entire lives.

Although I am away from my family, I have such awesome friends. Before my surgery, several friends called to say they were praying for me. Yesterday, 3 of them spent the day at the hospital waiting with G. This morning H came over at 6 am while G went to work for a few hours and she finally left at about 3pm. She figured she would have to wait on me in bed, because she had the same surgery a few years ago and was in unbearable pain for several days. PRAISE GOD, I feel amazing and can already breathe out of my nose! I know it will not take the minimum one week recovery the doctor mentioned. This is a true testament that God does answer prayers and can work miracles!


brian luenemann said…
Glad everything went well. Bummer that you have so much school work to do during your recoup time.
Anonymous said…
Yes, I'm glad things went well, too. I hope the recovery is going as well at the surgery seemed to go?

I'm sorry I didn't comment on this sooner, but, well, I've sort of been going through my own medical "stuff" lately.

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