Time for?

I'm half way through my first semester of school and can't wait to finish. My life is going to be school for the next year or more. I may have a one month break in August. I can't believe I received a 93% and 100% on my last tests, which makes me not feel like a complete moron from my dismal 84%. I have 4 exams left for this semester and have to take the one I am dreading the most next week.
Last night was the first time I slept flat since my surgery and it felt so good! I can't stand sleeping upright. I still have to do nasal irrigation, which is oodles of fun!
Yes...I said tanning is in my agenda and hemming a dress. I guess G's boss invited us to some fundraiser this Saturday. I don't know how formal it is yet, but am white as a ghost and all my dresses are strapless. I haven't been tanning in a salon for over 8 years! I forgot how obsessed some people are with tanning and would actually pay $90 per month for unlimited tanning. They are paying for wrinkles and skin cancer! As much as I despise G's job it does come with some nice perks. Last night we went to Roys and spent over $500 for a "business" dinner. In two weeks I think we are going to an NBA game and will have unlimited drinks and food in the Lexus club. I think a single ticket is over $250! I just can't believe how people can dispose of money so easily, but I guess we get to do things we would NEVER pay for ourselves so I can't complain. We were thinking about going on a mission trip to Haiti this fall and $200 could feed one hundred children! Americana's are so wasteful.
I guess I've been so busy thoughts of J haven't even crossed my mind. I think I am finally realizing my life is with G. In addition, J has changed so much I could never in my right mind see myself with him. It is so weird...G and J have almost switched personalities. I used to despise G for the same reasons I despise J; and I used to love J for the reasons I now love G. Is that clear as mud?