Sorting Through the Rubble...

I feel as if my life is in shambles, but then I wonder what right do I have to feel so terrible when the poor, innocent, victims of Hurricane Katrina really have nothing left, and their lives are emotionally and physically in shambles. Although I may not be able to help them put their lives back together I can at least work on my own. Prior to putting the pieces of my life back together I must first assess the damage (all the stressors which continually put pressure on my life).

  • Last Friday my grandmother had a heart attack. I feel terrible because I want to see her and make sure she is ok, but I am stuck in this hell hole. I am afraid of missing out on the lives of my loved ones.
  • Last week I lost my wallet, but didn't realize it until I was 4 hours out of town for 3 days. I didn't realize how much stress the loss of my wallet placed on my life until I held it safely in my hands today.
  • I miss my family and friends.
  • I want children, but know my desire is unrealistic given my health and reproduction problems.
  • My spouse is unhappy and hates his job and where we live, just like I do. I feel stuck because I can't make enough money to support us in our home town, but he is unwilling to find a job or do anything so we can move back.
  • I am continually haunted in my dreams if not by J, then of horrible things happening to those I love. For example, last night I had a terrible nightmare of my precious puppy laying on the ground with her two front paws severed from her legs. She was crying. I looked around and then realized she had a flesh eating bacteria and all her hair and skin was gone. Her organs were falling out and I could see her bones, yet she was still alive and crying for help. Sometimes I am afraid to fall asleep because of the gruesome nightmares which continue to haunt me during the day.
  • I don't like my job but am afraid to quit because I think we need the money and I need experience to find a job back home.
  • I continually live in pain and suffering due to untreatable health problems.
  • I can't remember the last time I felt truly content or happy.
  • I feel as if my entire life has been composed of wrong choices, and I can only blame myself
  • I can't relate to my spouse or even have a normal conversation with him.
  • I don't feel lovable or as if I even deserve to be loved.
  • I don't know how to remediate my life.

The more I write, the more screwed up I realize my life is. Again, my assessment reveals the fear which consumes my life. Before I can move on to rebuild my life I need to discover how to stop living in fear.


Soul Searching said…
This is going to sound cheesy, so I apologize in advance, but I really just wanted to reach out and give you a hug when I was reading this. And I hate touching people, so that's big. I hate that all of this is happening to you at once and I wish I could say something to make you smile even if just for a minute, but I know that it's not that simple.

Do you read much? I have read a couple of good books recently that you might be interested in. I don't know that it would help, but I thought I'd ask.

I hope things start looking up soon. You're in my thoughts.
Anonymous said…
i agree with quest4love!
Thanks for your kind words!
Anonymous said…
From past experience, I offer words of advice... It takes a long time to do and quite a bit of effort and strong will, but it is essential that you try to find happiness within yourself... you cannot rely on other people to make you feel complete or fulfilled... Have you taken any interesting courses lately or volunteered anywhere? Try an art class or go for a walk/jog everyday and look around/take in everything around you. Try not to focus on everything that's been passing through your mind, but rather try to realize the possibilities that are all around you... and if you are unhappy with your spouse and cannot relate to him anymore... you should no longer expose yourself to that environment... a good friend of mine moved across the country to be with her husband (they married young and probably should never have married) and is now miserable and alone since she doesn't know anyone in the area... she is miserable and wasting her early 20s... it saddens me because she (like you) has so much potential... you will know true love when it crosses your path... certain things like being unable to connect with your spouse... those things won't happen when you are with the person you are meant to be with... i hope i do not sound judgemental as I do not mean to at all; i have just been through quite a bit of what you seem to be going through and don't want you to be stuck for years as I was... try to find an activity that brings you a good feeling... i enjoy pottery and volunteering with cancer patients and homeless animals... it's good that you are recognizing your issues, but you can't analyze them so much because then they will just weigh you down and that simply delays you from happiness even longer... also, it's important to recognize your past, but you cannot waste valuable years of your life stuck in the past if J is meant to come back into your life, he will find a way... what's meant to be will be don't waste your energy worrying because if it's truly love, "love will find a way" i promise you i wasted 2 years believing my ex was still in love with me, etc. you have to live for the moment, the present, because tomorrow may never come especially in the crazy world we live in today i recommend you read "it's not about the bike; my journey" by lance armstrong also, i leave you with a proverb: "Yesterday is already a dream and tomorrow is only a vision, but today well-lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope"
Unknown said…
It's really cool that you are writing this stuff and sharing it. It helps more than you realize. I've totally had times when I wasn't happy and or content--well, right now LOL.

Just wanted to wish you the best and say how much I enjoy reading your blog.
Your words really mean so much! Thank you! I love the quote from "anonymous", which is so true.

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