Please Let Me Go

J I know you sent a message to my old email address in a desperate attempt to contact me. You must know I blocked you from my new addresses and haven't contacted you in months for a reason. I love you, but I have to let go of you, the past, my dreams, and the sweet memories I have of you. Please let me go too, so you can move on and open your heart to someone new. I'm sorry it had to end this way, despite all the plans we made when we were young, in love, and in our teens. We had the best of intentions, but our plans didn't work out. I've moved on and must continue on the path I chose. Please, please let me go...


Anonymous said…
ohhh...seems like a sad ending for the two of you. but im sure you'll get over him, just like what im doing right now - moving on from a failed relationship with my ex. (sigh) hopw we can be friends. lokks like we have so much in common.
I have been trying to get over J for almost 6 years now and it certainly isn't getting any easier. If you find the trick to overcoming your ex please let me know.
Anonymous said…
Well, I think you're on the right path when you talk about focusing on your current relationship. What is it about J that's so unforgetable? What's not working in your current relationship that makes going back to J seem so appealing? Have you considered going to therapy to get help dealing with this? (And, I'm not being sarcastic about that AT ALL. I'm going back to my therapist starting next week Thursday!)
I don't think there is one, easy answer. Just like being depressed or happy, it's a bit of a process, not an instant thing. Though, I have to admit, six years is a bit long to carry a torch for someone. There's got to be a lot going on there, more even than you're showing us in this blog. Whatever that "more" is, until you find it and deal with it, you'll never really be over J, I think.
(But, if you find the secret to getting over an ex, post it!)
Soul Searching said…
I used to get so totally annoyed when people would tell me that all it would take to get over M was time. Fucking time. Of course, something I couldn't control. I hated that! I wanted to close my eyes and wish the feelings away. I wanted to cry them away. I wanted to isolate myself till they were all just gone. But in the end none of these things ever made me feel better. Now, 6 months later, I don't cry, I don't miss him like I used to, I don't really care as much, and the only thing I can see was that it just took time. Fuck me for giving that as advice when I hated to hear it so much, but in the end it was all that worked. I have been to lucky in my life to not experience anything worse than the loss of my love, and it was a total bitch for me. My only hope for you is that you see brighter days soon :)
Network Geek~ There are so many things about J I can't forget. Look back over many of my posts to find all the ironic events that occured between us. I still feel like we were destined to be together. I wish I knew how to move on, but I don't. I've desperately tried everything I know, yet nothing seems to help. He feels the same way too. Why is that after 6 years two people can seem to move past one another? I keep asking myself and wondering why?

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