Wonderful Vacation!

Wow, it has been some time since my last post. I've been so busy with work this week I haven't had time to hardly check my email. I went on vacation for 9 days to my home and it was wonderful. I didn't want to leave, but brought a little bundle of joy home with me. G and I purchased a 10 week old Maltese female puppy on our last day. She went on the plane with us and didn't cry at all. She weighs only 1.8lbs at 11 weeks and has such a cute personality. She is like having a child and requires constant supervision so she doesn't have an accident.

I started taking an antidepressants medication a few weeks ago. I struggled with the thought, but figured I would give it a try. My doctor convinced me my Seratonin levels are low. I have felt nauseous lately, and also noticed I feel numb and unable to access my feelings. I will try the drug for a month or two to see if I notice a significant change.


Soul Searching said…
OMG, precious! I have been considering a pup just like this little darling for a few months now, but not sure I'm ready for the responsibility. Seeing this picture made my heart completely melt!

Give the drugs time. As with anything your body will need time to adjust. Good luck!
She was sooooo expensive, but worth every cent. We love her to death, as a child. I never knew how people could love their dogs so much but now I know. She is so spoiled, but such a fast learner. She is already pad trained, knows how to fetch, sit, and lay down. She loves to take baths and showers and is such a little doll!
Nicely said…
ive read from an article on the internet: to nurture your parenting needs, get a pet. So, here you are! I also have a dog named SC, such a nice dog, sleeping with me on my bed and wakes me up in the morning by licking my face. Sounds *eewww* but feels good 2 have sum1 by your side.

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