I Think I'm Freaking Out!

So, I accepted the job, only thing, I've never worked a full time job before. I've worked at an official 40 hr/week job for 2 weeks tops in my entire life! So now I have an 8-5 job, plus add 4 hours commute time for at least the first two months, which really equates to 13 hours spent for a job...completely insane! I am wondering how will I ever get anything done? I am also relishing the last night I can stay up late. I am such a night person and now I have to wake up at 4:30 am. I think I will be so tired the first week because I can't go to sleep before 12 am (which is if I am lucky, usually it is 2 am or later).

I am freaking out because I do everything around the house, balance the budget, pay the bills, all the cleaning, all errands, gardening, I mean everything but take out the trash! My husband is supposed to start helping out more, but he has a hard time even putting a dish in the dishwasher or putting his socks in the dirty clothes basket. Being the neat freak I am, I don't know what to do? I may have to hire a cleaning person, but I don't think I am asking too much for my husband to pick up after himself. Coming home to a trashed house completely pisses me off to no end! He wonders why I am so bitchy and I tell him, but he still doesn't care. What a lazy ass! Sometimes I think his attitude and laziness is grounds for divorce. I think I could seriously divorce him over the issue, it makes me that mad! He does things either out of pure laziness and inconsideration for me or just to make my life more difficult. A perfect example would be placing a dish on top of the counter next to the dishwasher, or if a dish makes it into the dishwasher he puts it on the top if all other like dishes are on the bottom or vice versa and I have to move his freaking dish! He will drop some garbage on the floor and just leave it. The floor of our walk-in closet isn't even visible because it is covered by a 4 ft wall of his clothes; I have a clear one square foot section to reach all my clothes! I am so angry because he promised he would help me keep the house clean and pick up after himself if I found a job, now I have a job and he still won't lift one finger. I've tried everything from reminding him 20 times a day to ignoring his messes for over 2 months without saying a word, to leaving a list and seeing a family counselor; either way, he doesn't do a damn thing! When I get to the point I am so angry I can't even look at him or speak to him he decides to do one little thing. The more I think about his laziness the more pissed I become and the more disdainful thoughts I harbor towards him! The sick thing is he will get home 4 or more hours before me. I am going to love to see how this plays out. The house better be fricking spotless when I get home if he has 4 more hours off than I do! I don't think I will have much time to blog after today. My family is coming in less than 2 weeks and I have a huge list of items to complete prior to their arrival. How am I going to do it all...alone???


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