Nothing Really New...
Well I started my job on Monday and it is going surprisingly well. I think I will really enjoy the work, aside from altering my positive outlook on life and people. I can't believe some of the horrific things humans can do to one another. Some things are so inconceivable one would only think they would be found in the confines of a sick and twisted sci fi novel, but the sad reality truly exists. I am not looking forward to 6 weeks of training at an institute though. It will be college all over again, but at least I am getting paid. I am so excited about being able to support myself and no longer being dependent upon my spouse. If we were to break up I think I would stay where I am for at least 5 years instead of moving home with my family (whom I dearly miss). The department I work for offers a Master's program which I can apply for after attaining permanent status (1 yr). All my tuition and expenses would be paid, plus I would also receive 80% of my salary to attend school full time (no work on the side either) in exchange for 2 years of service afterwards (total- 5 years). I would love to take advantage of the amazing opportunity, but I know my spouse wants to move out of state in 3 years or less. The opportunity for advancement within the department is also great. I could see myself being in a high management position in less than 5 years. Oh, did I mention the benefits are awesome as well. This job is better than anything I could ever have expected. The opportunities, benefits, potential for advancement, and salary are in the upper range for my field and experience.
My ex broke the silence a few days ago and said "Hey" to me on messenger, followed by "I guess you don't want to talk", and "see you later". I did want to talk, as I said hi a few days prior with no response. Unfortunately, I was away from my computer at the time and he was off line before I could respond. I've been trying to at least say hi, but I've been so busy lately.
My ex broke the silence a few days ago and said "Hey" to me on messenger, followed by "I guess you don't want to talk", and "see you later". I did want to talk, as I said hi a few days prior with no response. Unfortunately, I was away from my computer at the time and he was off line before I could respond. I've been trying to at least say hi, but I've been so busy lately.