
I had my surgery on 3/9, but haven't been able to post until now.
I've been experiencing some health issues that have been exacerbated during the last few months. After living with chronic pain for years, a large mass was found on my right ovary in December. They also found elevated cancer antigen levels, placing me at risk for cancer. Surgery was scheduled to test for cancer, remove endometrial lesions, along with an appendectomy, bladder distension, a presacral neurectomy, and removal of ovarian cysts.
The preliminary biopsies were free of cancer!!! I will wait for 1.5 weeks for the final results on all the removed tissue. The doctor was amazed that I had so little scar tissue and adhesions for having stage 4 endometriosis. However, he said my abdomen and organs were covered in extensive endometriosis that he had to remove. It was far worse than he imagined possible. He rarely finds it on the diaphragm, but found some on mine, which he removed. This makes breathing incredibly painful. He also removed part of the intestine that contained adhesions.I thank all for their continued prayers and support during this time. He scheduled 3 hrs for surgery, but took 6 hrs. I am so thankful I found a doctor that was willing to help me and took the time to remove all the lesions he could find and safely remove. He was unable to remove some on the main blood supply to my liver and heart. He said recovery will be very painful and I should be very sore for at least 2-3 weeks, due the significant amount of procedures and tissue removed.


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