Feeling Pissed!

For some reason I feel so agitated right now, maybe it's PMS? This week has been so busy with 8 appointments today (1 in 15 minutes), so I may not get to complete my rant.
I don't know why, but I have been feeling agitated every time J happens to post new pictures on his FB page. I don't even want to see them, then he messages me and asks if I happened to see his new pictures? Damn it, I don't want to see your risque pictures of you and your girlfriend! It seems that he always contacts me when his life sucks, but then never cares to tell me that it doesn't suck or what happens in between. I'm sorry, but I will not be the person to talk to just when your life sucks! Either we are friends through the good and bad or not at all. So then I wonder...did he get back with his girl friend, does life not suck anymore, etc.? Yet I don't want to ask to seem like I care, because I don't want to give the wrong impression (which he so easily gets). Part of me wants to "unfriend" him!
Then, this week G is in another state all week for work. He was super nice and helpful last weekend. Then I talk to him on Tuesday and he says he is going to bed and will talk to me later. Well, 2 hrs later he is on Facebook. I needed to pay my credit card and can only pay on Explorer since FireFox blocks the firewall. Thus, I opened Explorer, which I rarely used and G was still signed in on his email account. So I saw a message at 9:28 pm asking him to confirm his request to join the naughty friend cam 69 or something to that effect. I have real issues with porn, etc. So I called him and asked what he was doing. He wouldn't answer, so I told him about seeing the email. He played dumb and ignorant saying he had no clue, then preceded to get pissed off at me, because how dare I question him? Well I am pissed because I have every right to question him, especially since he made a habit of lying to me early in our relationship. He supposedly found a way (in his head) to refute these claims and stated that it was spam, although it was addressed to him and sent during a time he was on his email site group pages. I honestly don't know what to believe.


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