An Interesting Trend...
It seems that I've been approached with this issue quite frequently over the last few months. Statistically, it doesn't make sense, but philosophically it may? It seems that I have a lot of single guy friends, many more than single female friends. I've read statistics that indicate that there are actually more women than men, thus men are in higher demand and should consist of a smaller portion of the population. However, at least among my friends, this doesn't seem to be the case. Many of my guy friends ask if I have any "single" friends, then they proceed to list the attributes they want in a so called "mate". One even essentially described me to G, as the "idea mate". I've said this to a few friends, but it seems they have set unrealistic expectations. I think the older one gets, the more expectations they set for an "ideal mate". They take the 10 best attributes from 10 different people, then expect one person to emulate all of those attributes, which may be close to impossible.
This is another reason I am for getting married at a younger age. Not only do people have less baggage, but expectations are lower. With lower expectations, one stands a better chance of finding a mate. I'm not saying we shouldn't have high expectations, but there comes a point when we are seeking the .02%ile of the bell curve, and the possibilities are slim to none. When people are younger they can also grow together and have a greater chance of developing into a team, versus two individual room mates who happen to live under the same roof. I wonder if the methodology of "waiting until You find YOURSELF and establish YOUR career" is one reason the divorce rate is so high? It sets people up for selfishness, as life thus far has been all about YOU. Then when in a relationship one finds themselves wanting their needs met and not caring about their partner. Whereas when couples marry at a much younger age, they are less set in their own ways and can develop more as a couple versus as individuals. I know some may completely disagree with these thoughts, but I strongly feel they hold some truth.
This is another reason I am for getting married at a younger age. Not only do people have less baggage, but expectations are lower. With lower expectations, one stands a better chance of finding a mate. I'm not saying we shouldn't have high expectations, but there comes a point when we are seeking the .02%ile of the bell curve, and the possibilities are slim to none. When people are younger they can also grow together and have a greater chance of developing into a team, versus two individual room mates who happen to live under the same roof. I wonder if the methodology of "waiting until You find YOURSELF and establish YOUR career" is one reason the divorce rate is so high? It sets people up for selfishness, as life thus far has been all about YOU. Then when in a relationship one finds themselves wanting their needs met and not caring about their partner. Whereas when couples marry at a much younger age, they are less set in their own ways and can develop more as a couple versus as individuals. I know some may completely disagree with these thoughts, but I strongly feel they hold some truth.