Calm Before the Storm

Starting next week I will be beginning my student teaching. I will be completing the 9 week full time program. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, other than stressed! I will be trying to maintain a minimum of 10 clients per week, plus the student teaching, which will put me at about 70+hrs per week of work until March 24th. I will start loosing vacation at work if I don't use it asap, so plan to use vacation to make up for my lack of hours. The change at work seems to be potentially beneficial for the short term. It makes completing my student teaching in just 9 weeks possible, versus the 18 week program. I can now work part time without needing to have a certain number of billable hours, because I can use my vacation. It happens that my vacation accrued for 3 years at 10 hours per month and I needed to use 8 hrs for a day off. Now I get credit for all my saved vacation and only have to use 5 hrs for a full day off. In essence, this converts my existing vacation to an additional 11 days off, which I will now need.
I think I may sign on to teach for the next school year. If I work in my school district I will make more than I previously expected with my additional credits. I need to find out if they will pay for me to finish my Master's as well, which could be another perk. I would get extended time off for Christmas and a one week fall and spring break. I don't think teachers really have it that bad, as they work about 75 days less per year than the average worker. I do think the pay should be increased though, on par with engineers, since they do mold the future of our country.
I will wait to make my decision until after I complete my student teaching...if I survive. Ideally, I would continue working at my current job until school starts in the fall, with maybe a few week break in between. I still can't believe I am going to be a teacher. I never thought I would be or had the least desire to become one. However, I will be in a position obtain an administrator position after 3 or more years. I finally think G is starting to appreciate what I am doing, especially in this terrible economy. I should have decent job security, as a need will always exist for teachers. If it doesn't work out or I don't like it, then I will do something else. I don't see myself as ever saying I am completely done with higher education. I honestly don't know how people can work at the same job for their entire lives. Teachers can get retirement at 20 years, but I don't think I could ever make it that long.
G and I are thinking about purchasing another house in this down economy. I saw a house similar to ours for about half what we paid for really is sad. I would consider walking away from our house if we didn't have it almost paid off. I was so excited when I learned that are new mortgage payments would only be $450 this year including insurance and taxes. I told G it was either buy another house or a child this year.
It is so sad that people like us have to buy a child to become parents. There are so many kids in the world that need good parents, yet the price is so high. I pray we will find a child without going through an agency, to avoid paying at least 20-30k in "agency fees". We are both ready to be parents and although we are still young, don't want to wait much longer. We've been married for 7 years now, and I honestly can't believe it has been that long already. I met a parent the other day who did not realize that letting their two year old son play "Grand Theft Auto" was wrong! I about flew off the handle. I can't believe how terrible some parents are, yet so many kids are resilient.


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