I realized after reading over my blog that I didn't write about the most amazing, yet challenging aspect of my life. About one month ago G went to a men's breakfast at church where the topic of "fathers and daughters" was discussed. He mentioned some of the information while we were on our way to acupuncture. I absolutely lost it and broke down in tears. I realized I still harbored negative feelings towards my dad for making mistakes during my childhood. I though I had forgiven him, but realized I hadn't, which broke my heart. My acupuncturist mentioned that emotions stored in our bodies actually can manifest as illnesses. Interestingly enough, I developed asthma and allergies about the same time as I began holding resentments against my father. I decided I needed to confront the issue head on and let him know I was sorry for blocking him out of my life and wanted to tell him I forgave him for everything. Due to the complexity of the issue I procrastinated and after the first week I developed a terrible sore throat and hoarseness. I completely lost my voice. My acupuncturist mentioned the throat issue could be from not saying something I needed to say (among other things). After two weeks I finally talked to my dad and told him I wanted to begin building our relationship again. I'm not sure if he believed me, but I really would like to. One week after talking to my dad my hoarseness subsided. I'm so grateful for all the factors orchestrated by The Almighty played out. A huge burden in my life has been lifted!