Budding Love
Last night was yet another sleepless night. I stayed up watching the season finale of the Bachelor. I thought about why I like the show so much, and realized I get a chance to glimpse the perfectness and invigoration of new love.
- New Love is like a budding rose with sweet dew droplets, gently illuminated by the rays of the rising sun.
- New love is the first footprints on a pristine beach washed clean from high tide.
- New love is the smell of invigoration and renewal arising after a spring rainfall.
- New love is the taste of the first fruits of summer.
- New love is the fluttering in my chest after a sweet kiss or embrace.
- New love is the sight of light and eerie calmness on the ocean after a long and tumultuous storm.
- New love resembles the spark of an ignited firework that explodes and lights up the darkness.