Feeling fine while going in circles!

Lately G and I have been doing well. His parents visited us for a week over Thanksgiving and I am thankful they are gone! I think them driving us crazy, drove G and I closer. His dad wanted to sit on his ass all day and watch TV or sit in the coffee shop. I couldn't believe he didn't want to do anything, so we drug them around and I think they actually enjoyed themselves (although they would never do anything less than bitch).

I had my 2nd CT scan last week and it revealed I have a sinus infection! How crazy- I need a damn CT scan to reveal I have a sinus infection, although outwardly I have no symptoms other than chronic congestion, which I've had my entire life. So does this mean I have a chronic sinus infection? So now I have to see a ENT (ear, nose, & throat) Dr. and I still don't know why? Is there something someone isn't telling me or are my doctors smoking crack? I'm a little pessimistic because I can't understand why I have to see my doctor, an allergist (with multitudes of tests), and now an ENT for a sinus infection? What has the world come to? Who knows, maybe next I will develop a rare blood disorder from too much radiation from pointless CT & PET scans (has happened), so I have to see even more "SPECIALISTS" who seem to SPECIALIZE in milking insurance companies & consumers. I've experienced the same thing with my OBGYN- I've seen a total of 9 doctors since October of 2005 and I still don't have a single answer as to why I can't have kids or why I have horrible allergies other than a sinus infection! Maybe I'm smoking crack too?

So two weeks ago I was supposed to have my tubes flushed with dye to see if I have any blockages, yet the DOCTOR's office did not call to schedule and ignored my calls? So now what? I guess I'm left hanging yet again and my work is switching insurance companies effective 12/31, so maybe I get the overwhelming joy of seeing yet another DOCTOR (or 10!)...YIPEEE!

Funny, I started this post with the intention of writing about how I started having dreams about J again. I can't seem to get him off my mind lately and have an overwhelming wonderance of how he is doing. And I was doing so good convincing myself I CAN and WILL be happy with G and I CAN forget about J!


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