Divorce, Divorce, Divorce!

I've openly shared my opinion about this topic on numerous occasions and think I owe it to some readers to explain my position, given I seem to have offended more than a few people...

Ten years ago I prayed my parents would divorce. I hated my dad with a passion for being an abusive alcoholic who cheated on my mother. I begged her to divorce him so she could find someone who would treat her the way she deserved. I though we would be so much happier without him in our lives. Ten years later I feel ashamed for thinking such things about my family and for wanting my mom to take the easy way out of a commitment she vowed to keep.

I have since forgiven my father and slowly see their relationship blossoming. My father no longer drinks and his fling committed suicide several years ago. I am guessing he won't think about an affair again. He has started to open up to the idea of God and even attends church on occasion. Seeing my mom happy makes the years of hell she went through seem like they were worth it. Also, knowing my little sister doesn't have to worry about visitations, etc seems like such a better option. I now enjoy spending time with my entire family and couldn't imagine a split family.

In certain circumstances, outlined in the bible, God does allow for divorce. The circumstances include a cheating spouse or a spouse leaving the marriage. If either of these were to happen, I'm not sure what I would do, but I would probably consider divorce.

I also know more couples than I can count on one hand who were either divorced or struggled through difficult times in their marriages and now have loving and fulfilling relationships that wouldn't have been attainable without giving their spouse another chance. Instead of taking a pessimistic view of marriage, I now struggle to view marriage optimistically and hope the trials will pay off in the end. I keep telling myself a key verse from the bible that states "God will not give you more 'trials' than you can bear".

Fortunately, now that I know God and have experienced his miracles & faithfulness so many times I can't even count, I could never go back to living a lie. I would like to make it clear I am not judging others (sorry if it may come across as such). I write about the trials and choices I would like to make in my life. In no way am I perfect and I know I never will be. When I make decisions I ask myself if I am loving both God and others. If I hurt people, I know my decision was not the right one, for we should treat others as we want to be treated. I know I have high moral standards that I could never attain on my own, but I can come close with God's help.


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