Lately, I haven't really been feeling at all, I guess not to any extreme. Maybe I am stable for once? I guess I have been feeling a bit pensive, yet missing my drive for life. G and I were supposed to go on a mini vacation last weekend, but I cancelled because the weather was supposed to be bad. We may reschedule again sometime? G and I haven't been intimate for over 2 weeks now... I am guessing it may have something to do with comments in my last post. I guess it is his problem if he isn't man enough to talk to me about his issues. At least I am trying to be honest with myself. It seems like my relationship with G is so superficial. I ask him how he is doing and I get a one word answer. He doesn't talk to me about how HE is feeling about anything. I am starting to wonder what the point is of even attempting to converse with him. I get a better response from talking to my dogs. Our backyard is finally coming together, yet we still have about 4 or more weekends left to complete our projects (I hope).
A few weeks ago, J and his "fiance" broke up. I haven't talked to him, but it is obvious from her myspace account. At first I felt happy, but now, I don't know. I am slowly letting my thoughts of ever being with him go, which is huge for me, considering I feel like my marriage is stagnant. As mentioned previously, I don't feel like I have a purpose for living...a zest for life...joy...passion...