Update... Floating or Sinking?

Excuse: I haven't posted for quite some time. For some reason I don't feel inspired to write about anything lately. I've been reading some blogs, which have such crazy, unbelievable stories. I think, "gosh, my life seems quite boring at the moment, what could I possibly write about?"

Job: I started seeing clients at my new job lately, and so far everything is wonderful! I love my new job, especially having most if not all of Thursdays and Fridays off! I can set my own schedule so I can go on vacation without even taking unpaid time off work.

New Year: I have been pondering over changes I would like to make during the new year, but don't want my thoughts written, because then I will feel internal pressure to actually work towards my "resolutions". I don't think I am ready to commit to a resolution, because knowing myself, I will undoubtedly fail. I may post my "resolutions" at a date yet to be determined.

Puppies: Oh, how I love my precious little puppies. They bring so much joy to my life!

Marriage/My (unfortunately) Legal Spouse: I am not feeling too fond of G lately; rather infuriated by his continual laziness. I don't know if I am OCD or what, but I can't stand a messy house. I don't mean a few random, scattered items either. I am talking about mounds of crap, everywhere. My laundry room, kitchen bar area, living room, and foyer aren't even functional rooms because of G's messes. Then G proceeds to invite people over. He doesn't care if others view our pig sty, but I sure in the hell do! I am possibly planning to begin an interior design/ sewing business on the side and really need to make a good impression on those who view my home. Unfortunately, he won't get off his LAZY ASS! I might resolve to just kick his dirty, messy ass to the curb. I feel like I am going to hyperventilate when I think about his laziness and messiness. I can't believe how inconsiderate he is to me. He knows how much his messes drive me insane, but he continues to make more and more.

J: I haven't talked to J, but thought about it...as always. At the current time I am feeling emotionally disconnected from him and the situation. I almost feel lost, not having someone or something to fall back on if I choose to leave G. Thoughts of J always helped me get through emotionally trying times in my life. I have yet to find some sort of replacement.


Anonymous said…
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that things aren't getting better. I know how frustrating it can be do live with someone who resists any conversation regarding unresolved issues.

I do hope you find a more satisfying alternative than J for your solace, though. It just doesn't seem like the best direction for you, or, at least, it hasn't been in the past.

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