Think Happy Thoughts....?
I feel the temptation slowly creeping in AGAIN! I don't believe in divorce, thus despite my current relational problems I must try to make the best with what I have. I know I've been warned in the past to stop thinking outside the box (per say about my marriage). I can't change anyone but myself and need to accept those around me for who they are (ie. G). By the way, he did fix my tire yesterday. I need to focus on the good instead of dwelling on the negative and past. Even though I may not have been of a sane persona when I decided to marry G at the spur of a moment, I think I need to live with my mistake and make the best with what I have. The problem arises, because I am SELFISH, and only looking out for my own selfish desires, not the greater good of humanity. I believe I can choose to work with God's plan or against it, and in the end his plan will reign anyways with or without me. Why in the hell must I have such a strong subconscious? I know my life would be so d...
I don't know anything about you outside this blog, but I want to be of use to you, if I can. I wish there were some magical formula for making it all work out, some words I could say that would change how things are, but, there isn't. Sometimes, life just deals us a bad hand, and who we are shows through to the world in how we play that hand.
Hang in there. Just take it one day at a time.