What is in a Dream?
I dreamed of J again last night! He was with my friends and/or family with his new precious baby girl. I asked if I could hold her and she fell right to sleep in my arms. He took her and laid her down in her bed and asked if we could talk. The sexual tension between us was overwhelming, as we both wanted to ravish one another. We didn't, but talked for quite some time. Even though we'd been apart for years, our feelings for one another

Most of the time I can determine why I dreamed about a specific thing. For example, I also dreamed about my family and huge black widow spiders last night. I talked to my family prior to going to bed and saw a picture of a large black widow yesterday. However, I did not talk to J, but tried my damnedest to forget about him. Every time in the past I've tried to let him go from my life I do ok for a while, only to become flooded in my dreams and thoughts of him, to a point I can no longer stand. He gets the same way. In the past any time my dreams of him have become overwhelming he either was feeling the same exact way, trying to reach out to me, or he was coming closer in distance to me. I feel so frustrated with the situation because I really do want to move past him in my life, but feel so discouraged when I constantly dream of him. I wish I could control my dreams, but I can't. Maybe my daily suppression involving thoughts of him exhibit in my dreams. I really wish I knew. J....Get out of my head!!! I believe dreams can serve several purposes in our lives. They can give us a message, as mentioned numerous times in the bible; help us sort out and deal with all the craziness of our lives; and become a haven for subconscious thoughts and feelings, which don't have a chance to surface while we are mentally controlling our thoughts. I would love to write more on the topic, but I am late for work!