The Up Side of Illness

Nonetheless, I have been sick with a cold and sinus infection since Saturday. Becau se I recently had si nus surgery it is that much more painful. I was finally able to sleep for a few hours last night, but think I may be getting bronchitis since my inhaler hasn't been working for the last two days (just one full breath would be nice). I've been to the doctor at least 10 times this year... already! I joke that G should take out a nice life insurance policy on me (I know I shouldn't joke, but he does have a big insurance policy). I can't believe what my doctors told me when I was in 4 th grade, that "you will never live a normal life". Dang...if a girl could catch a break! So due to my illness I've taken the last 3 days off work. This means I will be able to take one less week of vacation to MT this summer :( On the upside of illness, I've been able to catch up on my school work a little over the last 2 days. My goal was 2 assignments/day and I've...