Lack of Determination
For some reason I haven't felt compelled to write lately. Maybe I have been too busy since G and I have spent every weekend for the last several months in a mad attempt to finish our yard, which still isn't completed. I went on a mini vacation and spent an entire week with my parents and sister, which was great. Although, this morning I felt ready for them to leave, yet now feel so alone. It is 3 pm and I am not even out of my PJ's yet... I don't know what is wrong with me. I don't feel driven to do anything. I don't remember the last time I cried, but I feel like doing so today, but I can't. The entire time my parents were here, G irritated the heck out of me. Every time I asked him to help me with something he said no or ignored me. He went to bed every night at 8-9 pm, even when he didn't have to work, when he "supposedly" likes my family. I again felt myself feeling so disconnected from him. Maybe I was stressed having a full house? So yest...