The Easy Way Out or In???
As usual, on my daily commute I had time to think, and realized an interesting aspect about my human nature. I experience a strong urge to choose the easiest route though life, even though it may not be the best route or make sense in the long run. I also feel extreme guilt for possibly hurting anyone's feelings. The reason I came to this realization is because today I "officially" provided my employer with my written two week notice. I keep having second thoughts and doubting my decision to do what I know is the job I've always wanted. Why would I do such a thing? I realized staying at my current job is the easy solution. I don't have to say goodbye, go through the discomfort of the next two weeks, say bye to my clients, experience a 5% pay decrease and a 13% decrease in 5 mo (since I was getting a raise), etc. In exchange I would keep an incredibly stressful and draining job with no personal life, and as my chiropractor on the fast track to 80! Thank...